Sunday, April 4, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hackers attacked the widgets!!!

The widgets I had on my old page were not allowing users to read my page. So I created a new page, and found out that it was the widgets that were diverting everyone to spam pages. So sorry. So here is my new page, sort of identical to the other one but with new widgets, of course! Hackers just make more work for everyone. Hackers, I hope you are proud of yourselves! Have a cookie!

Fun in Class!!

We did all kinds of neat stuff in class last week! We created quizes using software found online. We also made a rubrics and that was neat making it our own by putting in our own standards for what we are looking for in graded projects. Here is part of mine-->

As soon as I get more of my web page done that we are creating in class, I will post that here as well! Have a great day! :)

Concept Map Update

I think this one looks happier and more inviting than the original one from before.

Have a great day!

Zippy's Concept Maps

I had fun developing my concept map. The hard part for me was to figure out what I was going to 'teach'. Once I decided upon fiber optics, the rest came really easy. I had fun with the colors, finding pictures to adorn my map, and, of course, thinking of the activities for the students.

This one was a bit more challenging since I had to think of the placement of everything and the relationships to connect them. Still had fun with it, and it didn't take long at all. Best of all, it is a great tool to help teach!! :)

Reflections on Chapter 1

1. The role that national technology standard plays in the successful integration of technology is that it sets performance standards that should be mastered by students and should be used by teachers as guidelines to structure technology training at each grade level within schools. Studies have shown that students perform better and have achieved higher scores using technology; therefore, emphasis on it is in the classrooms at all grade levels.

2. The first step to managing the classroom during technology integration is for the teacher to get acquainted with, to learn and to be comfortable with the technology and the process that is being implemented. Other management considerations for technology integration are the management of equipment access and layout, managing time, and managing student behavior.

Under equipment access and layout, teachers need to take a technology inventory to help out with plans on the best ways to use technology with a limited number of computers, if needed. The layout should be considered so students have ample space for project work. The computers need to be arranged away from main traffic flow, close to electrical outlets and away from the glare of sunlight.

Managing time is very important since student have limited time to use computers. To help manage time on the computers, the students should clearly understand the expectations of the assignment and that planning for projects can be accomplished before going to the computer.

Managing student behavior takes into account environments that can produce opportunities for students to become distracted from the original task.

Expectations and penalties should be very clear to students and parents when working with technology in the classroom. Avoid situations when students have to wait/stand in line for an empty computer, as this may lead students to start talking in line and disrupting other students.

3. Learning outcomes are the goals of the objectives and what the students should know or be able to do by the end of the objective. Assessments are what the teacher can do during the instructional unit so they can make adjustments to the instruction and ultimately improve student learning so they can meet the objective. Assessments are done through observation, class discussion, quizzes and tests.

4. Special learners are students who may need special accommodations in learning.

For instance, translation support if they have difficulty reading in English. Some special learners may have visual impairments, may have difficulty reading, or may be deaf. Some students may have a difficulty with written expression or they have cognitive delays.

So that's my homework! Hope I did ok on it, if not, have a smile on me! :)