Sunday, March 7, 2010

Me and My Job

I teach a variety of classes for the Air Force's new course, Cyber Transport. The one I am currently teaching is Network Addressing, and I am having a blast!

Network addressing deals with working in binary, which isn't hard in itself, but when we add in the rules of addressing, it can get a little hairy.
What I absolutely love about teaching addressing is when I teach the concepts to a student, and when that concept finally clicks, you can see the light bulb turning on! And that light bulb doesn't just turn on--it flashes and burns brightly in their eyes! That is what makes my day!
I also teach the basics of fiber optic communications. This in itself is an interesting and fun topic. We teach the basics of light and how we can send information on it.

I recently bought a kit that will illustrate to the students a working fiber communications transmitter and receiver. The neat thing about this kit is that I get to put it together! So that's my goal this weekend--to finish soldering my kit together so I can take it to class and have the students actually see a working fiber communications set up.

Am I having too much fun with my job? YES!!! But who says you shouldn't enjoy what you do at work? I know that because I enjoy what I do, my students benefit from it, and that makes all the difference to me. :)

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